April Gratitude Dinners | Niagara Christian Gleaners

April Gratitude Dinners

The last few years, our annual spring dinners were overflowing with many on waiting lists. This year, we decided to host TWO Gratitude Dinners and we are so glad we did! We were so humbled to see all the tables fill up a month before the dinners!

The weather this year was beautiful compared to last years' snow storm. Watching the sun set over the Friday evening was a reminder that God's beauty & blessings shine all around us and our responsibility is to share that light with the world!

Chef Jan-Willem Stulp, CCC, Chef/Owner of Grand Oak Culinary Market, prepared a delicious meal both nights. The volunteers who helped with serving, preparing food, and cleaning up were very efficient and amazing! Thank you so much for all your help.

The evenings consisted of a speech by Pete Wierenga (General Manager), volunteer testimonies, fundraising report, and board report.

We are so grateful for all the continued support as we are now operational and need consistent finacial, volunteer, and produce donors' support to keep us going everyday! We are so excited to announce that after expenses both evenings raised $97,000 :D

To God be all the glory!

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